
Winter Solstice: The Blessings in the Bleak Midwinter

The sun stands still at the depths of dark freezing Winter solstice, prompting us to ask each year: what hearths may be tended against the chill and frost? For indeed, Midwinter customs across human history have attempted to answer this question, of how we may count our blessings in the bleak midwinter and both guard and share our sweetnesses out of the bitter cold.

In this illustrated lecture, contemporary cunning man and historian of magic Dr. Alexander Cummins will take us on a journey through some of the folklore, foodways, yearly rites, herb-craft, and feast days of the Winter Solstice, celebrated both historically and today. Homage will be paid to the holly, Robin Redbreast, Christmas ghosts and their stories, the mulling of wines and ciders, the watchful vigils of Saint Lucy, wassailing, and even the Gifts of the Magi.

So join us as we draw together across an albeit digital fireplace and share some good cheer, some handy folk charms, and some fine poetry celebrating the magics of the Longest Night of the Year.


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